Secure SMS

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Tips for Smartphone Safety

According to the findings of a study conducted by global information services firm Experian, one in six smartphone users in the world have been a cyber-attack victim. 

The study adds that 60 per cent of smartphone users are easy targets for hackers as their devices have little or no protection against malicious software.  Some of the most common cyber-attacks are phishing emails and session hijacks.  These findings blame the increased number of online banking transactions and online shopping for creating the huge opportunity for cyber criminals. But these cyber-attacks can be easily avoided.

Here are some simple steps to protect your smartphone.
What do you look for when buying a new phone?

The common answer to this question will be features like ‘camera’, ‘storage features’, ‘screen resolution’ etc.  However, it’s time that you also look into the security features that the new devices provide.  Ask if there are encryption features.  Ask if there is a feature to help detect and delete malicious applications.   Find out if there is a location feature to help locate your phone in the case that it is lost or stolen, and if you can access it remotely to delete information that is confidential. 

Save yourself from the App trap!
A list of tempting and interesting apps will be thrown at you every time you log on to an App store.  A typical behavior is to download whichever free app that we find even a little bit interesting.  We then give it a quick test to see if we want to continue to use it. But, the damage will have already been done as soon as you click the ‘Install’ button.  A little reading up of the reviews prior to installing can help with this.  Also, do not accept the terms, conditions and permissions that the app is asking for without thoroughly reading and understanding exactly what you’re giving permission to.  Using only the apps provided on your device instead of third-party apps may help reduce your risk. 

App Trap on Social Media?

We have all taken those stupid, yet fun, ‘which kind of fruit are you’ quizzes on Facebook. These are powered though social media apps that ask you for permission to access your profile, personal information, etc., that they may reveal to other users.  This information can also reach attackers and hackers.  So be careful the next time you access these apps for those surveys and quizzes, especially the ones that ask permission to access your location. 
Invisible Bluetooth?

It’s always irritating when you are trying to connect to a device through Bluetooth and then a couple of failed attempts later you realize that the connection couldn’t be established since your Bluetooth is set on invisible mode.  However irritating this may be, just remember that this is a feature that helps protect your phone from unauthenticated devices and possible attacks.  Also, make sure to turn off interfaces like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. when you’re not using them.  Leaving them turned on will make your smartphone vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

Free Wi-Fi - Yay or Nay?

Let’s face it, ‘Do you have free Wi-Fi?’ is the first question you ask whenever you check into a coffee shop or restaurant!  It’s cool, most of us do, and yes, we all love free Wi-Fi.  But, there is something you need to be careful about.  There may be hackers on the prowl, just waiting for that opportunity to attack your phone.  The free Wi-Fi could be a trap, and however tempting, it’s not worth the safety of your phone and personal data.  So, while enjoying free internet is okay while you are sitting at Starbucks or your favourite coffee shop, it is a big ‘no-no’ to latch onto a free connection that you spot while enjoying the evening out on the town.

Configure your device to be more secure.  Most smart phones enable its users to lock the device with a PIN or combination.  If available, it’s advisable for users to enable encryption, remote wipe-out capabilities and anti-virus software on their phone.

Careful Browsing

Most of us browse websites from our phones.  And while at it, we come across and click on a lot of links that are new and we haven’t visited before.  However, just mindless clicking on links is a practice that can cost you dearly.  Read the link url before you click, and if there’s any suspicion, control your temptations, however interesting the content may seem to be.

To Summarize
There are two types of Security issues we must address.  The first is the Security of your mobile device.  This is where you come in.  You obviously are ultimately responsible for the physical safety and security of your phone or device.  Second is the security and privacy of your digital communications, specifically your SMS and MMS communication, your email communication & your social Messenger communication.

Loment Products Play a Vital Role in your Secure & Private Digital Communication.

Walnut Secure Email is a P2P, person to person or end to end secure mail application that protects all of end-user existing accounts, including Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Hotmail,, Outlook and hosted addresses, and corporate mail. It supports servers that work on IMAP/SMTP protocol.
* Walnut2 offers encrypted email that is both inexpensive and easy to use,
* Walnut2 does not offer a new email account or service; it also does not require a hosted network server,
* Walnut2 offers many patent pending, proprietary and useful extension features that benefit the end-user such as Priority, Restricted Messages, Auto Expiration, Acknowledgments, and much more!
* Walnut2 is available on multiple operating systems and allows personal as well as businesses users immediate protection of email communication,
* Walnut2 also co-exists with all other secure mail solutions on a single end-user device,
* Walnut2 allows multiple email accounts to be configured using single interface,
* Messages are encrypted using AES 256 which is Generally Secure for Government and Business Applications,
* No keys are distributed. Key generation is based on proprietary algorithms.

Key Features:
* Provides Privacy to Protect Data at Rest:
- Password Protection to allow access to authorized users,
- Hibernation,
* Security to Protect Data in Transit for P2P and End to End Encryption:
- Messages are encrypted directly on the Sender device and are decrypted only on the recipient device(s),
- Mail server has cipher text and does not have access to clear text messages,

CashewSecure Messenger
Cashew is an internet based, cross-platform, messaging application that works across computer, tablet and mobile devices.  Among mobile messaging applications, Cashew may be classified under OTT, or over-the-top messaging service, provided directly by Loment, as a third party service provider and does not require additional support from a mobile operator.
Computer and Tablet devices that do not have a mobile number and connect to the Internet via personal, corporate or public Wi-Fi networks can also take advantage of Cashew service.
A user may wish to install the application with the same User ID and continue using the service seamlessly from multiple devices.
Privacy and Security Features

·         Provides Privacy to Protect Data at Rest.
·         Password Protection to allow access to authorized users
·         Hibernation
·         Security to Protect Data in Transit for P2P and End to End Encryption
·         Messages are encrypted directly at the sender device and are decrypted only in the    recipient device(s).
·         Server has cipher text and does not have access to clear text messages.

Key Features
• Personal and Private Chat that is Secure and Confidential
• Sharing of Text Files
• Sharing of Pictures from gallery and captured through the device in real-time
• Sharing of Audio files and Voice notes that are recorded
• Sharing of video files from gallery and real-time recorded

LOMENTS - PEANUT 2 is a MobileSecure SMS Application providing privacy and security for SMS Communication.  PEANUT 2 uses encryption and decryption to ensure P2P or person-to-person message security.  This application is useful for your personal as well as business needs.  PEANUT 2 can be used in conjunction with native SMS applications or as the exclusive choice for SMS messages.
Peanut 2 provides password protected access, control of messages OTA (over the air) and network secure transmission.  Peanut 2 offers Protection of Data at Rest, Protection of Data in Transit, Protection of Data in Use, Protection of Data Transfer to a File, Protection of Data Transfer to a Device, Protection of Data Transfer Between Devices, Remote Wipe-Out, Backup and Restore features to facilitate ease of use, convenience and compliance to users who need this service.
Peanut 2 complies with HIPAA and all current U.S. Data Privacy Laws. 

End to End encryption of messages transmitted over-the-air (OTA), as they are stored on mobile carrier networks, or as captured by legal or illegal interceptors. All messages are secured using AES 256-bit encryption.
•Your Device
•The Network
•The Server

•The Recipient device

Please login to our website to learn more, or to download the Loment Products.

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